Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Barriers to faith

I have a hunch that the greatest barriers to faith are not what we think they are. From what you read in the press and hear in your churches you would think that sexual preference was the greatest barrier to knowing God in a transformative way. I happen to think that's a false assumption, one that Jesus would happily disabuse us of if we would allow him.

The greatest malaise towards God is to be found within the middle classes, who would prefer to consume than be transformed. This is my group so I know this by looking within myself. It's so hard for those of us with 'everything' to recognise our need for anything. But I would suggest we have become slaves to comfort and a misrepresentation of freedom. We think we are free but really we are more enslaved than ever.

I pray that God would set me free from the need to pursue comfort and security anywhere other than from Him. I encourage you to do the same.

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