Thursday 1 May 2008

Good news

"Nothing can seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus." (Rom 8.38-39)

The good news is simply this, that we are loved and forgiven by God as we are. All we have to do is accept it. We must simply bring ourselves before God in whatever state we are and receive his love. This is the gospel that Jesus proclaims and it really is good news.

I don't know about you but I hardly ever live as if this is what I believe. It's too hard to accept and it doesn't fit with everything the world has taught me, that I get what I deserve. It is too good to be true. Many of my problems come when I transfer my wordly ideas onto God, as I very often do. This leads me into a judgemental, jealous and possessive frame of mind which is not God's best for me. If I have to win God's favour then everyone else does too! This is a complete reversal of the truth, but it is so prevalent in church today, not least in me.

I cannot do anything to win God's favour. He gives no notice to my education, my performance at work, my looks, my abilities in sport or music, my spiritual performance, my sexual orientation, my fame or lack thereof or anything else for that matter. The only way for me to place myself outside of his blessing is to attempt to win it from him, or to present an image of my self that I hope to be rather than who I am in this moment. Even then He will restore and forgive me and bring me into right relationship with myself and with Him again.

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