Monday 19 May 2008

Don't believe what you read

We live in the age of suspicion. If you don't believe me, just read the daily mail. Almost everything we read, hear and see re-enforces the idea that the world is, beneath it all, a dangerous place to be. I think the media is responsible to a large extent for propagating this idea. Much of today's media will, I think, be subject to the judgement Jesus alludes to in the gospels for 'causing these little ones who believe in me to stumble' (Matt 18.6, Mark 9.42, Luke 17.2).

The trouble is that cynicism as a wordview makes faith impossible. Jesus' message is that there is good news for the ones who can dare to believe that God and life are good and true at their core. To these ones he will give the 'abundant life' that he talks about in John 10.10. I think that one of the biggest reasons for us rejecting Jesus, whether in a moment's decision or as the lifestyle stance, is that his teaching is 'too good to be true'. I think we've started to believe this in the church too, to the extent that we have stopped preaching the good news, choosing instead to focus on a teaching which is merely a christianised rendering of bad news. If you don't believe me, ask any of your non-christian friends what they think of the church's message.

The gospel is good news for us sinners and we have to start reminding ourselves of this crucial fact. A start would be for the church to admit its faults, to lower its walls and to go into the world in repentance and contrition. We also need to go to God anew and ask Him to show us His goodness towards each one of us, His beloved sinners. We will never be able to offer to the world what we have not received for ourselves.

Jesus, give us your spirit that we might be your good news in the world today and forever. Help us to stop believing what we read in the media and start to believe what we read in your word.

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