Tuesday, 22 April 2008


Here is a great quote on forgiveness. My thoughts are below, for what they are worth. Note the name of the author too...Classic.

"Forgiveness is giving up the right to retaliate. Forgiveness is the willingness to have something happen the way it happened. It's not true that you can't forgive something; it's a matter of the will, and you always have the choice. Forgiveness is never dependent on what the other person does or does not do; it is always under our control. Forgiveness is giving up the insistence on being understood.... Jesus forgave those who crucified him. This is a radically new way of thinking. For those who accept and practice this discipline, there is a release of energy and a sense of freedom."

Pixie Koestline Hammond - For Everything There Is a Season

What do you find most difficult to forgive? For me it is being misunderstood. I simply must be heard and understood by people. Anything less than this makes me really angry. I was thinking about this whilst away with Amy on holiday and I realised that I am this way because I have put way too much value on my opinions and my voice. Education has taught me that I am intelligent and of value if I can pick something apart and critique it. But I want to be just the opposite and I am in fact called to be just the opposite. I want to be someone who is known for building up and not tearing down.

I am trying to bring these things before God so that he may take them and fill the vacuum with Himself. God help me not to need to be right anymore! Help me be free from my need to be heard and affirmed. Forgive me for when I have forced my opinions on you, and for doing in here and now.


Hannah said...

Welcome back. Been mulling over this all afternoon and now need to go to the pub so I'll keep my opinions short.

1) To forgive I first must learn to ask God to heal my hurt.

2) Voicing and forcing opinions are two very different things, one positive, one negative. Your blog gives an outlet to voice your opinion and encourage debate which forcing does not do.

Jonny Hughes said...

Thanks Hannah. Both good points!