Monday, 7 April 2008

Not escapism but engagement.

The gospel is not escapism but engagement. Engagement with the needs of the world we live in. Not hiding away in ivory towers or even church buildings, but living in the midst of the world and thanking God for giving this opportunity to us. We are to share the good news, yes, but we must be good news too, which means being in the midst of the mess.

We need to love life to be good news. In Bonhoeffer's words, we need to 'drink the dregs of this world'. That is to say that we must 'taste and see that the Lord is good'. It's time that the lot of us bucked up our ideas and started talking up and believing in the world as it is. Only when we see God's blessing in what is will we be any use in bringing in what it should be. When we recognise that we the church are here to serve the world not to judge it, we will be truly relevant again and maybe we will see the Kingdom coming in greater power.

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