Sunday, 13 September 2009

Dawkins on his soap box again...

Read this by Richard Dawkins on his own website, a self-proclaimed 'clear thinking Oasis'. You be the judge.,88,The-Emptiness-of-Theology,Richard-Dawkins

And then this reply by John Stackhouse on his own blog.

Dawkins is absurd, perhaps even mad, but certainly incredibly short-sighted and narrow minded. Does he not know that the 'science' he so loves was birthed because of a belief in God? Those who made the early great advances in science were monks after all. In fact, scientific inquiry would never have begun were it not for God fearing men and women who believed that God had made the universe to be intelligible. Dawkins is criticising the very discipline that gave birth to his own. It's like he is standing on the roof of the house that he loves, whilst simultaneously hacking away at its foundations.

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