Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The Emerging Church

Over here in the USA there is a great deal of controversy over the Emerging Church. For those of you that don't know, the Emerging Church (EC) is a broad movement which is seeking to re-interpret the gospel for today's culture, rather than to stick with outmoded ways of doing things just because they are familiar. Those within this broad movement recognise that the medium is the message and that there is a huge responsibility on the church to change in order to stay true to the gospel Jesus preached.

As with any movement there are those who have perhaps gone too far in this quest; that is inevitable. But what excites me is that there is energy present in this conversation, not only in the emerging movement, but in those who have for too long been dormant who now refute the new thing. Whether or not you agree with these emergents, the presence of this energy (zeal?) can only be a good thing.

Here are some things I like about this broad movement;

1) The EC is willing to broaden the field when viewing scripture. That is to say that it is willing to come to the scripture afresh and view it through different lenses. This is a recognition that no one lens will suffice in viewing the truth of God's word, not even a middle class, white, male lens! This to my mind is a sign of reverence for the scriptures although it is sometimes interpreted as being the very opposite.

2)There is a willingness within the EC to change the forms/wineskins where they have obstructed the message of the gospel. For all the talk about the evangelical movement doing this on its own, there has been little fruit. (The 'Fresh Expressions' in the Anglican Church has achieved this).

3) There is a re-emphasis on the organic, relational elements of faith. This is a choice to favour what is 'real' over what is 'true'. This is imperative for our generation.

4) There seems to be less of a pre-occupation with structure and hierarchy. This may be a function of the newness of the movement. Enjoy it while you can!

If this is a move of God - and I believe that it is - then it will continue to generate further energy. One of the most exciting facets of the movement is that it has arisen independently in many different parts of the world. What I am not suggesting is that this 'denomination' is perfect, nothing is. But through it I believe God is going to do some great things.

"Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God." (Acts 5.38-39)


Anonymous said...

sounds good to me jonny

OnNorthFace said...

I'm inclined to agree with you sir. People can often be quick to label variances in cultural expressions as doctrinal. But often I wonder if God's view of orthodoxy is somewhat looser than ours anyway and that his pre-eminent concern is with our heart?